Monday, February 6, 2012

Writing...It's Never Easy

I haven't posted in approximately 6 months. In that time I've put aside the novel I was reworking (Night Light) because it became a difficult project. I found myself going back and forth and not being able to make the right decisions for the book. So, taking the advice of others, I've stepped away from Night Light for the time being to begin working on a new project.

My new untitled project is a YA horror/thriller (not sure which it will lean more towards as of yet). It will be a cross somewhere between the Nancy Drew novels I grew up on and Dean Koontz (with a bit of Stephen King mixed in). I want it to be a novel that both young adults and adults can really delve into.

My main character is Lindsey Price. Her father decided to move her to a suburban town where she can live a normal life and focus on school instead of moving her from city to city as he'd done since her mother ran out on them years before. But the town of Blackwood is far from normal. Lindsey finds strange forces are controlling most of the residents, and eventually her own father. She's forced to figure out what evil is working in Blackwood before she is lost to it as well. Like being a teenager isn't hard enough!

So again begins my journey into writing. It's going slow, but I am trying more than I have in a long time. Even if it's just a paragraph at a time, I know I must write each day in order to bring this story to life and take it somewhere. And maybe once it unfolds I can take a look back at Night Light once again.

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